If you want to contribute with this study, fill the fields below, contributing this way to we know more about our own history, strengthening our origins more and more
If you have informations about others members of this family, (as children and brothers), you can also fill them.

Your complete name


Male  Female

Birth date

Marriage date

Your spouse's birth name (Husband or wife)


Male  Female

Birth date

Death date

E-mail address




Father's full name

Birth date

Marriage date

Death date

Mather birth name

Birth date

Death date


Grandfather's full name

Birth date

Marriage date

Death date

Grandma's birth name

Birth date

Death date


Great-Grandfather's full name

Birth date

Marriage date

Death date

Gret-Grandma's birth name

Birth date

Death date


Great-Great-Grandfather's full name

Birth date

Marriage date

Death date

Great-Great-Grandma's birth name

Birth date

Death date


Great-Great-Great-Grandfather's full name

Birth date

Marriage date

Death date

Great-Great-Great-Grandma's birth name

Birth date

Death date


Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandfather's full name

Birth date

Marriage date

Death date

Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandma's birth name

Birth date

Death date


You can inform additional data in the space below, case you want.